February 15, 2008
Working together for a better tomorrow
Robert Adams
LO President
The year 2008 is off to a great start. Our biggest show of the year, Congress, was once again a huge success. Even Mother Nature co-operated, as per the organizing committee’s request. Paul Day and show staff, thank you for all your hard work. To the Congress committee and all our volunteers: we could not have done this without you. Your endless hours and dedication to provide exemplary service to our industry have not gone unnoticed. Thank you!
As in the past, I was able to walk the show and speak with many people. This show brings such a diverse, knowledgeable group together that it constantly amazes me. A wealth of knowledge and years of experience is on the show floor, and is available to anyone willing to stop and have a conversation.
When I think of all the members, staff, volunteers and dedicated committee members in this truly volunteer-based organization, I know Landscape Ontario will succeed in leaving its footprint on each doorstep it reaches out to.
From small communities and towns, to the greater populated cities, we are able to access the public and impress them with our mission.
Through working with different groups of people such as Rotary clubs, conservation authorities, students and city officials, we gather strength and commitment to our organization. Communities in Bloom, Arbor Day celebrations, and local projects such as Kidds Creek in Barrie, or the national military cemetery restoration in Ottawa, are really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to community beautification. But we can and must do more. Landscape Ontario needs to be everywhere, like City Pulse news. Congratulations to Frank Ferragine for his communication award presented at Congress. Frank does what we all need to do more of. If you, the members, have any suggestions, please email me at robertadams@landscapeontario.com.
We must be able to nurture and grow. It is not a sign of weakness if one does not know how to do a specific job or task, or is unable to comprehend something. I encourage members to ask questions and get involved.
Landscape Ontario is, as I hope you are aware, in the midst of developing and bringing to fruition the Prosperity Partners program. This is a program designed with your needs in mind.
To say not everyone can teach is just foolish. And to think you know it all, is something I am not even remotely ready to believe. I firmly understand that all of us can draw from one another’s experiences. There are some who may think this is not something to support. Therefore, I would like you to stop and think: if everyone could learn one thing every day, imagine the possibilities. We would not only realize our strength as an organization, but it would reaffirm our commitment to constantly improve.
Whether you volunteer for a committee, take a course to improve your skills, offer an opinion when asked, or just listen to someone’s ideas, your knowledge is valued as a professional. That’s what sets Landscape Ontario members apart from the rest.
Developing the strategic infrastructure of an integral project, such as Prosperity Partners, considers many different viewpoints. At the heart of the matter is our members’ ultimate well-being. Implementing this program will undoubtedly present some challenges. If you believe you can or are willing to share your knowledge, please contact me.
This is the year to educate and celebrate. Learn from one another. Set examples of exemplary service in your field. Celebrate the successes, both personal and professional. Be recognized as a professional in your community, in a field that is sometimes not appreciated for the benefits it provides. Believe in yourself and know that yes we can make a difference.
Again, I would like to stress that Landscape Ontario only exists because of its members. If there are any suggestions or events that you feel would benefit others, please drop me an email at the address below. I am always willing to help and offer support.
Robert Adams may be reached by email at robertadams@landscapeontario.com.
LO President

As in the past, I was able to walk the show and speak with many people. This show brings such a diverse, knowledgeable group together that it constantly amazes me. A wealth of knowledge and years of experience is on the show floor, and is available to anyone willing to stop and have a conversation.
When I think of all the members, staff, volunteers and dedicated committee members in this truly volunteer-based organization, I know Landscape Ontario will succeed in leaving its footprint on each doorstep it reaches out to.
From small communities and towns, to the greater populated cities, we are able to access the public and impress them with our mission.
Through working with different groups of people such as Rotary clubs, conservation authorities, students and city officials, we gather strength and commitment to our organization. Communities in Bloom, Arbor Day celebrations, and local projects such as Kidds Creek in Barrie, or the national military cemetery restoration in Ottawa, are really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to community beautification. But we can and must do more. Landscape Ontario needs to be everywhere, like City Pulse news. Congratulations to Frank Ferragine for his communication award presented at Congress. Frank does what we all need to do more of. If you, the members, have any suggestions, please email me at robertadams@landscapeontario.com.
We must be able to nurture and grow. It is not a sign of weakness if one does not know how to do a specific job or task, or is unable to comprehend something. I encourage members to ask questions and get involved.
Landscape Ontario is, as I hope you are aware, in the midst of developing and bringing to fruition the Prosperity Partners program. This is a program designed with your needs in mind.
To say not everyone can teach is just foolish. And to think you know it all, is something I am not even remotely ready to believe. I firmly understand that all of us can draw from one another’s experiences. There are some who may think this is not something to support. Therefore, I would like you to stop and think: if everyone could learn one thing every day, imagine the possibilities. We would not only realize our strength as an organization, but it would reaffirm our commitment to constantly improve.
Whether you volunteer for a committee, take a course to improve your skills, offer an opinion when asked, or just listen to someone’s ideas, your knowledge is valued as a professional. That’s what sets Landscape Ontario members apart from the rest.
Developing the strategic infrastructure of an integral project, such as Prosperity Partners, considers many different viewpoints. At the heart of the matter is our members’ ultimate well-being. Implementing this program will undoubtedly present some challenges. If you believe you can or are willing to share your knowledge, please contact me.
This is the year to educate and celebrate. Learn from one another. Set examples of exemplary service in your field. Celebrate the successes, both personal and professional. Be recognized as a professional in your community, in a field that is sometimes not appreciated for the benefits it provides. Believe in yourself and know that yes we can make a difference.
Again, I would like to stress that Landscape Ontario only exists because of its members. If there are any suggestions or events that you feel would benefit others, please drop me an email at the address below. I am always willing to help and offer support.
Robert Adams may be reached by email at robertadams@landscapeontario.com.