December 15, 2014
Volunteers are lifeblood of Landscape Ontario

Volunteer Peter Vanderley is gives the thumbs up on the cover of this issue.
If he was around today, the famous leader could well be speaking of the hundreds of volunteers who have made Landscape Ontario one of the most successful associations in North America.
Each year LO lists all the volunteers who have assisted the association through activities that range from hands-on to education to mentoring. That list on page 40 of the Annual Report includes nearly 400 names.
Peter Vanderley CLP (see cover), who owns and operates Vanderley Landscaping in Denfield, has an impressive list of volunteer activities at Landscape Ontario.
“I receive so many benefits from the time I put into volunteering with Landscape Ontario,” says Vanderley; education and networking opportunities were two benefits he specifically mentioned.
Vanderley, who serves as London Chapter president, appreciates hearing from fellow members that he runs a good meeting.
“I do get nervous at meetings hoping that everyone will enjoy and find benefit from the event. At the end of the evening, if members come up and congratulate me on a well run meeting, I’m relieved and very satisfied that I helped a number of LO members.”
Vanderley has a long history of observing what it meant to give of his time to the association. Before college, he worked from 1975 to 1978 for his uncle John Van Staveren, who had served as president of LO in 1977. In 1983, Vanderley began work for the Thiebaud family, owners of OGS in Brooklin. He was again influenced by the importance of association work, by seeing Marc Thiebaud serve as president of LO.
He began by working in the booth at the annual London Home Show and the London Home and Garden Show.
One of his favourite memories during his time volunteering is when 16 London Chapter members came together to tear down the Canada Blooms garden in 2012. “It was particularly exciting to see the enthusiasm our Chapter had for an event outside of our community,” says Vanderley.
Former LO president Gerald Boot CLP says about volunteering, “There is no better way to get to know and network with your industry leaders and peers, than volunteering with LO.”
Every year, nearly 400 LO members find Boot’s statement to be true.