January 3, 2024
The essence of a legacy

Since 2006, I’ve developed and led Landscape Ontario’s Prosperity Partners program — two full-day workshops on running a business every year — which I have delivered to well over 800 business owners across the province. Three years ago I took on the curriculum overhaul and continuous improvement delivery for LO’s Employers of Choice program, now a community of over 300 business owners and managers working hard to implement that robust tool box for better HR management and employee engagement. But again, these things form a part of WHAT I’ve done, not WHY.
Uncovering my WHY
The essence of my ‘WHY’ as a consultant has always been to connect hard working business owners with fresh ideas and business tools, meaningful discussions and new perspectives. I hope these ideas and words build confidence and curiosity, making the path forward a bit easier, more rewarding and more hopeful. That’s WHY. Because I believe there’s always improvement to aspire to, and in the importance of being on a shared journey, together.I know from my 24 years as a landscape business owner that it's easy to feel alone and become overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities of running a business.
Speaking of that landscape business of mine, we won 20 LO Awards of Excellence over the years. In support of my ‘WHY’ I’ve spoken at the Congress Conference almost every year since 2005 — to thousands of attendees, on topics ranging from engaging the team, business systems, setting goals, leadership and more. I also sat on LO’s Provincial Board of Directors and was part of the Executive Committee.
Focus on what's happening through you, not to you
I recently read The Depressed Motivational Speaker by industry consultant, facilitator and long-time friend to LO, Jim Paluch. If you are heading to Congress this year, he will be my co-facilitator at this year’s LO Peer to Peer Workshop on Jan. 8 (see interview page 14). His book is a must-read for business owners. One of the most striking themes for me in Jim’s story is “focus on what's happening through you, not to you.”This one simple phrase is so powerful. Without realizing it, I believe that's what I've managed to do, through lots of challenges and adversity in my own journey: always do my best to show up with authentic advice, separated from my own stresses. I’ve focused on what happened through me rather than to me.
Leaving your legacy
I never thought of my role writing blogs, or building and leading the Prosperity Partners, Peer to Peer or Employers of Choice programs, or speaking at conferences, as creating a legacy. That is until now. I don't think that we typically start our careers with the intention of legacy. I didn’t.When you look back on the lives that your career has touched, I'm guessing that you too are building your own legacy, perhaps without realizing it.
From the people you've worked with, to the landscapes you've designed, built, planted, pruned, enhanced, watered, fertilized, supplied or illuminated, your legacy lies within.
There are transformational, watershed moments in every career. But we often don't recognize them at the time. Pride is our looking glass — the filter through which we measure the success of what we're doing in the present. Legacy is our rear-view mirror.
Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “it takes a community to raise a child.” I've been thinking a lot about the LO community in the past few months, and the 'children' (businesses) it has raised, both of mine included (Water’s Edge Landscaping and Consulting By Hart). The LO community has raised tens of thousands of 'children' in its 50 years. I’m proud to have been a part of that.
A fond and grateful farewell
I am wrapping up my work with LO and this is my last Prosperity Partners column so I can focus more on my business coaching clients. I hope all I’ve shared over the past 15+ years has offered my readers solutions or inspiration to try something new — and that through my ‘WHY’ I helped many of you realize that you’re never alone if you’re engaged in all Landscape Ontario has to offer.I am grateful to have had this space to inspire others to challenge the status quo and share hard-earned wisdom on running a business and a team, for your business and your team. That’s ‘WHY’ I’ve done what I’ve done in my coaching career.
So to my friends, a fond farewell with deep gratitude and thanks for trusting me to nurture so many careers and businesses, and to leave a proud legacy of coaching and mentorship.