October 15, 2014

Lots of face-to-face interaction took place at this year’s Snowposium.
Snowposium provides education and networking
The 2014 Snowposium included a great variety of seminars, demonstrations, a trade show and face-to-face encounters with others in the trade.
The annual Snowposium saw over 150 conference attendees, exhibitors and trade show delegates.
A stellar panel began the conference session of Snowposium. Discussing Contract Management were Mike Lysecki, Gerald Boot CLP and Jim Monk. This was followed by John O’Leary CLT talking about Driver Fatigue and Health and Safety Issues, Dan Winstanley from Marsh Canada gave attendees The Real Scoop on Insurance Claims. He was followed by MTO Transportation Officer Jennifer Grabner whose presentation was New Rules on the Road and Mike Lysecki of Landscape Mangement Network discussed Best Practices.
Pat Lamanna of G&L Group gave a popular presentation on What We Learned from Winter 2014! Material Supply Issues.
Companies exhibiting products in the trade show included Den-Mar Brines, Bay-Lynx Manufacturing, Landscape Management Network, Marsh Canada, TNT Property Management, National Building Group, Snow and Ice Management Association, Creighton Rock Drill, G & L Group, Innovative Surface Solutions, MRC Systems, Smart About Salt, Delaware Pumps and Parts, Frontlink, Vanden Bussche Irrigation, All Ontario Hydroseeding and Ice Control, Eastern Farm Machinery, Tillson Brands, Eloquip, Voth Sales and Services, Twin Equipment, G.C. Duke Equipment, Drivetec, Drive Products, Quest Automotive Leasing, Green Tractors, Servantage Dixie Sales, Sunshine Brands – The Grounds Guys, S & B Services, Country Road Distributing, and Bradlyn Safety Training Tillson Brands was the refreshment sponsor.
The annual Snowposium saw over 150 conference attendees, exhibitors and trade show delegates.
A stellar panel began the conference session of Snowposium. Discussing Contract Management were Mike Lysecki, Gerald Boot CLP and Jim Monk. This was followed by John O’Leary CLT talking about Driver Fatigue and Health and Safety Issues, Dan Winstanley from Marsh Canada gave attendees The Real Scoop on Insurance Claims. He was followed by MTO Transportation Officer Jennifer Grabner whose presentation was New Rules on the Road and Mike Lysecki of Landscape Mangement Network discussed Best Practices.
Pat Lamanna of G&L Group gave a popular presentation on What We Learned from Winter 2014! Material Supply Issues.
Companies exhibiting products in the trade show included Den-Mar Brines, Bay-Lynx Manufacturing, Landscape Management Network, Marsh Canada, TNT Property Management, National Building Group, Snow and Ice Management Association, Creighton Rock Drill, G & L Group, Innovative Surface Solutions, MRC Systems, Smart About Salt, Delaware Pumps and Parts, Frontlink, Vanden Bussche Irrigation, All Ontario Hydroseeding and Ice Control, Eastern Farm Machinery, Tillson Brands, Eloquip, Voth Sales and Services, Twin Equipment, G.C. Duke Equipment, Drivetec, Drive Products, Quest Automotive Leasing, Green Tractors, Servantage Dixie Sales, Sunshine Brands – The Grounds Guys, S & B Services, Country Road Distributing, and Bradlyn Safety Training Tillson Brands was the refreshment sponsor.