February 15, 2010

Safety Group earns over $32,000
Each year business members of the Landscape Ontario’s Safety Groups have the potential to receive a six per cent rebate on group Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) premiums. The program is just one incentive for an owner or senior manager to participate in the program. The 2009 group received a total of $32,625.83 in rebate from the WSIB. Members of the group are shown in photo, from left, John Buikema and Brandy Stieva, both of Jan Gelderman Landscaping, Jeanine West of Sheridan Nurseries, Jason Brundle of Jan Gelderman, Shelley Wall, consultant with WSIB, Rich Heikoop of J.C. Bakker Nurseries, Angela Good and Brian Perras Jr., both of B.P. Enterprises, Dave Plant of Griffith Property Services, Ryan Heath of Ryan Heath Professional Landscaping, Pat Elo of Townscaping, Neil Whiteside of of Green Lawn – Toronto West, and Grisselda Maradiaga of Aldershot Greenhouses.