October 15, 2015
Professional Development Seminar Guide now available for 2015-2016

2015-2016 Professional Development Guide
The annual Guide contains 44 pages of seminars that cover the five pillars of Prosperity Partners: Customers for Life, Financial Health, Leadership, Operational Excellence and Sales Success. With over 130 seminars listed, there is something for everyone.
“Our sessions help countless people in Ontario’s green industry improve their skill and professionalism,” says seminar coordinator Kathy McLean.
The Guide also contains information about online learning, apprenticeship, certification, conferences and safety groups.
Seminars listed include both traditional and new topics. McLean says there will be a number of new instructors brought in this year.
The Guide will also be available online at horttrades.com/seminars.
Those who sign up by Dec. 31, 2015, will receive early booking savings.
Employers may use the Canada-Ontario Job Grant to help offset the costs of the seminars. A company could apply for the grant to retrain a current employee to take on a new job or use the money to train a group of new hires.
For more information on the grant, go to tcu.gov.on.ca/eng/eopg/cojg/index.html