May 15, 2015

Garden Inspiration magazine is packed full of valuable information. The magazine is written and produced by your LO publishing team, from left, Sarah Willis, editorial director, Kim Burton, art director, and Lee Ann Knudsen, publisher.
Over one-million gardeners inspired
Denis Flanagan CLD
LO Manager of Membership and Public Relations
LO Manager of Membership and Public Relations

I estimate the industry has influenced over one million gardeners and potential gardeners of all ages.
This sharing of information has included the distribution of our Garden Inspiration magazine. This publication is a gem, packed full of fabulous award-winning gardens, an exclusive look at new plant cultivars for 2015, heart-warming stories describing community projects by our Chapter members, and a comprehensive listing of all our active members by region.
The magazine is written and produced by your LO publishing team, and truly is a great way for the public to be inspired and connected to our website and our members. We still have a good supply of the magazines in Milton. If you have a garden centre, or your company is involved in a garden or community event this summer, please contact us for some copies.
As well as promotions to the public, all of our chapters were extremely busy with many sold-out events province-wide. A review of the numbers show 40 chapter meetings this winter, with 1,500-plus in attendance, plus 30 special events with 2,500-plus in attendance.
Our sector groups are also experiencing continued success with educational sessions. Once again, over 1,400 people attended the professional development seminars in Milton and elsewhere.
So, the next time you are at a party or family gathering, and the topic of what we do for a living is brought up, and the usual response is, “Oh, so you are in landscaping. What do you do in the winter?” Please feel free to save this article on your mobile device and shine it in their face.
The work will continue this summer with onsite member visits, organizing chapter golf tournaments, promoting member benefits and planning meetings for the fall.
In addition, a new service will be launched. We are looking forward to Member Appreciation Days. This service will have LO staff spending the day at Associate members’ places of business (nurseries, supply yards, etc.).
At each event we will set up a tent, where we will be branding LO, serving refreshments, listening to member feedback and chatting with non-members about the benefits of joining the association.
We would like to host these events within every chapter. If you are celebrating an anniversary, hosting an open house, etc., or have a suggestion of a business location where you would like us to consider having the friendly Landscape Ontario staff set up shop for the day, please contact me at
Denis Flanagan can be reached at or at 905-875-1805, ext. 2303.