June 15, 2017
Newest LO team member starts with a smile

Meghan Greaves
Staffing the main reception desk, Greaves is an integral part of the LO team, connecting callers and visitors with the staff member who can best serve their needs.
As a result of her role and her ability to learn quickly, Greaves is well versed in the many activities and initiatives of the association, including membership dues renewals, the membership application process and the many benefits and cost savings available exclusively to LO members.
Greaves says the most common inquiry she gets is from members looking for information on the various cost savings programs, primarily the huge discount available on new vehicle purchases.
Working at LO, Greaves has learned a lot about the profession and about herself. “The first thing I learned is there are a lot of leftovers from meetings that have catered lunch, but to be wary, because I had a severe allergic reaction and had to go to hospital my very first week at LO,” she jokes.
In all seriousness, Greaves says she has learned “what an amazing association Landscape Ontario is, and how important every single person is — from the president to the many dedicated members, in their role of advancing the horticulture profession in Ontario.”
Greaves is no stranger to playing various roles, something she pursues on weekends as part of an acting career. Greaves understands the importance of her role at LO. “I am usually the first person people encounter when they arrive, so I like to think I set the tone,” Greaves says of greeting staff and helping visitors with a big smile.
Recently, Greaves attended her first LO Member Appreciation Day and says “it was exciting to meet some of the members and see what they do on a daily basis.” Greaves is looking forward to seeing what else this year has in store and says the people she works with are an “awesome group.”