June 15, 2014

Left to right: Gary Lacy, Executive Director NCC; John Cary, Chief Executive MLF; Dr. Mark Kristmanson, Chief Executive Officer NCC; Tony DiGiovanni, Executive Director Landscape Ontario; Ken Jewett, founder MLF; James Jewett, Director MLF; Marc Corriveau, Director Urban Lands and Transportation; Mike Rosen, President Tree Canada.
Group wants native maples in Ottawa
On May 14, LO executive director Tony DiGiovanni joined Maple Leaves Forever (MLF) founder Ken Jewett in Ottawa to meet with the National Capital Commission (NCC) to make a request that “If a maple tree is to be planted in the Ottawa region it must be a native Canadian maple.”
According to Jewett, the presentation to the NCC was favourably received with the next step being MLF making a formal request to the NCC Board at the end of June.
Jewett had posted an open letter in the Ottawa Citizen on Mar. 4. The full letter can be found online at http://gfl.me/x28C.
In the letter, Jewitt writes, “We have travelled many times to Ottawa and met with the NCC’s senior staff. We were received kindly but had no success with our proclamation.” He feels this time there may some progress made.
The letter also states, “MLF is appealing to all the parties to join together and make this happen. We think that our Governor General’s reputation for common sense would help our cause. We wonder if his honour David Johnson could participate or steer us in facilitating this proposal? Finally we ask the NCC, who can make this happen, to kindly make it happen.”
Jewett says there are 10 maple trees that are native to Canada. The list is available online at http://gfl.me/x28C.
According to Jewett, the presentation to the NCC was favourably received with the next step being MLF making a formal request to the NCC Board at the end of June.
Jewett had posted an open letter in the Ottawa Citizen on Mar. 4. The full letter can be found online at http://gfl.me/x28C.
In the letter, Jewitt writes, “We have travelled many times to Ottawa and met with the NCC’s senior staff. We were received kindly but had no success with our proclamation.” He feels this time there may some progress made.
The letter also states, “MLF is appealing to all the parties to join together and make this happen. We think that our Governor General’s reputation for common sense would help our cause. We wonder if his honour David Johnson could participate or steer us in facilitating this proposal? Finally we ask the NCC, who can make this happen, to kindly make it happen.”
Jewett says there are 10 maple trees that are native to Canada. The list is available online at http://gfl.me/x28C.