April 15, 2008
Getting value from LO: A spring checklist
Robert Adams
LO President
It’s finally spring again, and those of us lucky enough to be in the green trades are checking off lists.
All those lists put me in mind of the important business resources we receive from LO, and how smart it would be to check off all those advantages on a list. For example:
• Did I send my staff to winter seminars last season? And, did I talk with them about what they learned, so I can reinforce the good information and enthusiasm through the season?
• Did I check Horticulture Review for coming events to help me succeed?
• Did I follow up on leads from Congress to ensure I have the productivity advantages of the latest equipment, the efficiency advantages of new services, and the sales advantage of the hottest garden centre merchandise?
• Did I actually read all the stories in Landscape Trades I promised myself to take in over the winter?
• Did I follow up with getting my employees in apprenticeship training?
• Are key staff members trained in first aid? Are there first aid kits in all vehicles?
• Are members of my staff aware of changes to the MTO regulations? Are they aware of safe operating procedures for each piece of equipment and have they signed off that they have received and understood the instructions?
Let’s set a goal of “no lost time accidents” this season.
Checklists are certainly the way the get things done — just ask my wife. I urge you to make yourself a checklist of opportunities available through our great association, Landscape Ontario, to help you make your business prosper!
Robert Adams may be reached by email at robertadams@landscapeontario.com.
LO President

All those lists put me in mind of the important business resources we receive from LO, and how smart it would be to check off all those advantages on a list. For example:
• Did I send my staff to winter seminars last season? And, did I talk with them about what they learned, so I can reinforce the good information and enthusiasm through the season?
• Did I check Horticulture Review for coming events to help me succeed?
• Did I follow up on leads from Congress to ensure I have the productivity advantages of the latest equipment, the efficiency advantages of new services, and the sales advantage of the hottest garden centre merchandise?
• Did I actually read all the stories in Landscape Trades I promised myself to take in over the winter?
• Did I follow up with getting my employees in apprenticeship training?
• Are key staff members trained in first aid? Are there first aid kits in all vehicles?
• Are members of my staff aware of changes to the MTO regulations? Are they aware of safe operating procedures for each piece of equipment and have they signed off that they have received and understood the instructions?
Let’s set a goal of “no lost time accidents” this season.
Checklists are certainly the way the get things done — just ask my wife. I urge you to make yourself a checklist of opportunities available through our great association, Landscape Ontario, to help you make your business prosper!
Robert Adams may be reached by email at robertadams@landscapeontario.com.