AIPH honours 2022 Green City Award Winners
The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) announced the winners of the 2022 Green City Awards at the International Union for Conservation of Nature Leaders Forum in Jeju, Republic of Korea on Oct. 14, 2022. The most prestigious award of the Inaugural 2022 edition, the Grand Winner, was presented to the city who was voted by the jury to demonstrate the highest capacity for influence, replicability, and scope to inspire change in their entry.
In making their decision, members of the jury were invited to consider the following question:
“The AIPH World Green City Awards 2022 enables winning cities to achieve greater recognition for their inspiring initiatives – in light of this, which entry do you feel may have the biggest transformational impact?”
The 2022 Grand Winner is the City of Hyderabad, India for their entry: Green Garland to the State of Telangana.
“AIPH celebrates this fantastic achievement for the City of Hyderabad,” Tim Briercliffe, Secretary General, AIPH, said. “We are proud to showcase their inspiring urban greening work. With this global recognition, we can confidently say that Hyderabad is a world leader in nature-oriented approaches to city design, form, and function. The innovation, ambition, and inspiring action demonstrated in the city’s entry leaves a powerful legacy for other cities from around the world to aspire to.”
The 2022 Grand Winner is the City of Hyderabad, India for their entry: Green Garland to the State of Telangana.
The Grand Winner was selected from the list of six Category Winners, who each took home trophies in recognition of their achievement. The six Category Winners are:
Living Green for Health and Wellbeing:
Transforming degraded land into Urban Micro Parks, City of Fortaleza, Brazil
Living Green for Biodiversity:
Reverdecer Bogota, Bogota D.C., Colombia
Living Green for Climate Change:
Mexico City’s Environmental and Climate Change Program, Mexico City, Mexico
Living Green for Water:
The Phytotechnology Stations at the Montreal Botanical Garden / Space for Life, City of Montreal, Canada
The Phytotechnology Stations at the Montreal Botanical Garden / Space for Life, City of Montreal, Canada was presented the Living Green for Water Award.
Living Green for Social Cohesion:
OASIS Schoolyard Project, City of Paris, France
Living Green for Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth:
Green Garland to the State of Telangana, City of Hyderabad, India
Case studies from all finalist cities, including the category winners, are available in the AIPH Green City Case Study Library.